
Leadlighting Classes

Learn the basic skills of leadlighting with our Pay As You Go Classes. This tuition arrangement suits people who have busy lifestyles. Work on your own project for only $20.00 per hour – materials not included, but does include the use of tools.

Work on your own project at your own pace with guided assistance.

COST $20.00 per hour, materials not included. Please phone or email to book

Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays  9.30am – 4.00pm

What to Wear: Covered-in footwear, Apron – optional but keeps clothes cleaner!

Mosaics Classes

Mosaic is the art of decoration with small pieces of coloured glass, stone or other mediums. We use all sorts of materials but glass is by all means our favourite.

The cost of these classes is $20.00 per hour on a pay by week basis. The cost includes the use of workshop tools & reference books. The beginner’s workshop takes you through your chosen project from start to finish. It usually takes 4-6 weeks to complete your first project. Once you learn the basics you are given guidance to complete each of your chosen projects learning more advanced techniques. Bookings are essential & we appreciate a phone call if you can’t make your class.

 Lampwork Bead Making for Beginners Classes

Learn about the glass, the torch and how to launch yourself into the wonderful world of glass beads.

Course includes tuition in a small class, torch time, glass, use of standard tools and at the completion you get to take home your unique pieces of glass art.

Times: Saturday 9:30am for 10:00am morning tea, meet and greet. Finishing approximately 4:30pm. Sunday 9:00am start and finishing approximately 4:30pm.

Cost: TBA all inclusive.

Class numbers limited, bookings essential

What to bring: Closed in shoes are essential—without these you will be unable to participate. Some people like to wear long pants and shirts with a cuffed sleave, cotton is best.




Regional Travelling Classes


We are proud to announce that we can now offer travelling classes. That’s right, we come to you! All we need is a venue which has power, hand washing facilities and good ventilation and we will bring the workbenches and all the neccessary equipment to carry out a workshop of your choice. This can be Leadlighting, Copperfoiling, Mosaics or Beadmaking. All you need is 6-8 people and the venue and we will do the rest. If you are interested in this option, please contact us.